Program > Invited Speakers

Benazouz Bradai

Benazouz Bradai Reasearch & Innovation Director - Master Expert Autonomous Driving at Valeo

Towards Autonomous Vehicles : how AI is driving the mobility revolution

Abstract: Society is expecting cleaner, safer and smarter mobility. Automotive players are transforming in order to tackle those challenges.

At Valeo, we make this happen with affordable, electric and smart mobility solutions.

Today, most of the new cars include ADAS “Advanced Driver Assistance Systems” features, some of them even include an Automated Driving of a level 3 of automation according to SAE classification. Valeo was a strong partner and enabler of those world first L3 vehicles. 

Major advancements in Automated Driving capabilities are still to come where Artificial Intelligence is a key enabler. 

In this presentation we discuss the ADAS acceleration and the integration of cutting-edge AI technologies with Valeo automotive grade sensors to propel the evolution of autonomous vehicles from parking automation to advanced driving assistance and full autonomy. We will deep dive in few challenges on this evolution:

  • How machine learning based perception is turning sensors inputs into useful understanding of the environment and inside
    the vehicle
  • How imitation and reinforcement learning are used for an efficient decision making including the prediction of other road
    participants like vulnerable road users
  • The end to end driving capabilities based on AI 

Finally, we will show the results of all that on Valeo Drive4U driving on open roads with only Valeo serial production sensors.

Bio: Dr. Benazouz Bradaï is a R&I Director and Master Expert in Autonomous Driving at Valeo.  He is leading Autonomous Driving Research and Innovation at Valeo with several major scientific and industrial contributions in ADAS and Autonomous Driving.  He is also a scientific Co-Director of the ASTRA “Automated systems for Safe TRAnsportation”  Joint Lab with Inria lab in France. He holds a PhD degree in Automatic Control in 2007 from Université de Haute-Alsace in France. His expertise and research interest includes multi-sensors fusion, precise localization and mapping as well as system architecture. He is a member of different professional associations like IEEE, ADASIS Forum, SENSORIS Consortium, SAE and SIA "Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile" as an ADAS/AD Experts Community member.


 Richard Arning

Richard Arning - Head of Department at Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis

AI in the Contemporary and Future Battlefield: Revolutionizing Defense

Abstract: As the landscape of warfare rapidly evolves in the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of transformation. In this keynote address at the AI Conference hosted by TrirhenaTech, we delve into the critical topic of "AI in the Contemporary and Future Battlefield." This discussion will illuminate the pivotal role of AI in defense applications and explore cutting-edge research activities in the field, with a special focus on the contributions of the Franco-German Defence Research Institute Saint-Louis (ISL).

With the convergence of AI and defense, we will navigate the profound impact of AI technologies in enhancing military capabilities, decision-making processes, and strategic operations. By examining real-world examples and future projections, we will unveil how AI is shaping the contemporary battlefield and what it means for the defense landscape of tomorrow.

Join us for an insightful exploration of AI's influence on defense, with a particular emphasis on the collaborative efforts of ISL in pushing the boundaries of technological innovation to ensure the safety and security of our nations. This keynote promises to provide a comprehensive overview of AI's pivotal role in defense and a glimpse into the future of military strategies, intelligence, and security.

Disclaimer: The above abstract was entirely composed by Chat GPT

Bio: Dr. Richard K. Arning is driving the smart munitions development as division head at the Franco-German Defence Research Institute Saint-Louis (ISL). The research activities range from robust navigation, flight control and terminal guidance, up to intelligent drone swarms. As an aerospace engineer and international executive manager he has 25 years of experience  in unmanned aerial and space systems gained from previous engagements with EADS (Airbus) and SES Satellites. Founder of several startups including for automatic control and big data, Dr. Arning likes to turn innovation into market success. Dr. Arning holds a doctor degree in aerospace engineering from technical university RWTH Aachen for his work on system identification of a hypersonic vehicle.



Gernot Meier - Lecturer at the HS Offenburg and Member of Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics (Offenburg)

You have to ask the right questions!

Abstract: "You have to ask the right questions" is a common, but not to be underestimated basic mindset that has played a central role from Aristotle, Isaac Asimov to beyond Michel Foucault. This basic mindset is familiar to many when making important strategic decisions in business. The basic attitude also has a crucial role in ethical discussions related to the digital future and its forecasting. This also from the knowledge that responsible action is always questioning action in the face of a future that can never be fully controlled. 

Since all forms of forecasting are difficult when they concern the further, however, social and technical actors often take shelter in extreme positions or superlatives. Why might this be? Often the reason is that the problems are approached in an undercomplex way and that a technical solutionism believes that ethical questions can be solved and finalized in principle. 

Machine ethics, information ethics, robot ethics, algorithms ethics also with all their differences, however, show the following: New technological possibilities give rise to new moral problems. For example, a questioning of the image of man, because digitalization challenges the previous humanistic image of man, or also: Who is responsible for what and why, and is responsibility divisible? Because technology and society are intensively interconnected, especially in the digital field. It is also very interesting here that the responsibility of a scientist or also of companies in the digital field is once again in focus. What will GPT7 say when she has been trained on ethical dilemmas at some point. "I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You need to ask the right questions."  

That will always remain the tasks of humans.

Bio: Dr. phil. Gernot Meier is the acting academy director of the Protestant Academy in Baden and department head of the Church and Society Department of the Protestant Church in Baden. His area of expertise at the Protestant Church in Baden is ethics and theology of digitalization. He is also a protestant Pastor since 2009.
He is a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg in the field of empirical cultural studies, a lecturer at the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences in the field of applied artificial intelligence (AKI) and a member of the IMLA (Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics) at the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. In his doctoral thesis 2003, he developed new research methods for the emerging new social structures in which from today's view stone age of the internet (2002 to 2003). He is a member of various research institutions in Europe and is currently working on questions of discourse analysis, anthropology and impact analysis of digital technology.

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