Conference Description

Upper Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2023

AI for Time Series, Robotics and Beyond

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 5th "Upper Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium" (URAI). This year's symposium will take place on 17.11.23 at ENSISA in cooperation with IRIMAS (Institut de Recherche en Informatique, Mathématiques, Automatique et Signal) of the Université de Haute-Alsace. It will be preceded on 16.11.23 by an autumn school for students of TriRhenaTech partner institutions.

The symposium will highlight current applications of artificial intelligence in cooperation with our industrial and scientific partners. The motto of the URAI 2023 event is AI for time series, robotics and beyond.

Topics include, but are not limited to : image and scene understanding, natural language processing, machine learning, data mining, reasoning,  efficient computing, deployment and operation of AI systems, architectures for AI, AI in and for education, social and ethical impact, applications of AI in various fields.


The registration to the AI Fall School (Master students, PhD students) and/or to the Symposium is still possible and ends on November 10th 2023.

The symposium is free of charge. The registration gives access to the scientific (sessions, keynotes, etc.) and social events (breaks and lunch).

Due to limited number of participants registration is required. Requests will be served on a first-come first-served basis.

Former URAI Events


Important Dates

Submission open
June 1st 2023

Abstract submission deadline
July 15th 2023
July 31th 2023

Acceptance notification
September 5th 2023
September 15th 2023
Final Paper submission deadline
October 1st 2023
October 15th 2023
September 15th 2023 - November 10th 2023

Symposium date
November 17th 2023

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